Friday, March 3, 2023

SAVED from ignorance


Ephesians 4:17-19

King James Version

17 This I say therefore, 

and testify in the Lord,

 that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, 

in the vanity of their mind,

18 Having the understanding darkened, 

being alienated from the life of God 

through the ignorance that is in them, 

because of the blindness of their heart:

19 Who being past feeling 

have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, 

to work all uncleanness with greediness.

Those verses pretty much sum up my old life.

Of living in sin.

Because I lived in ignorance.

In ignorance, you don't know GOD's laws.

In ignorance, you have no idea what awaits you.

Eternal fire.

Eternal darkness.

Eternal damnation.

But I thank the LORD, who took pity upon my soul.

Surely, He saw my daily efforts.

Of searching for ultimate knowledge.

Even if I didn't know it was Him I sought.

Surely, He saw my daily struggles.

Of trying to get things right.

Even when I was often wrong.

All those hits and misses.

Following clues, prompts, dreams.

Only because I didn't know His laws yet.

But it seems there's an inner angel that guided me.

And protected me.

Most of all, from myself.

And all my erring ways of thought, word, and deed.

Ah, but when GOD made me born again, what a difference it made!

It was instant transformation!

It was instant hunger for His WORD.

It was instant hunger for His TRUTH.

His SPIRIT led me to Scripture right away.

Starting with the WORDS of JESUS from His apostles.

Then I was led back to the beginning. 

As it ought to be.


After which, lots of reading, and studies, in between.

Resulting in 79 blogs, and 24 ebooks.

Ignorance causes one to sin.

How can you live right, when you don't know GOD's laws?

How can you think, speak, and act right, when you have no idea His commands?

GOD knew I wanted to get things right.

But first, He humbled me greatly.

And caused me to review self.

What was I doing wrong?

Why did I keep failing?

What was I not seeing?

Why were all my efforts at earning being "blocked"?

Sure, GOD gave me opportunities to earn -- His way.

But most of the time, things I used to succeed in, didn't work anymore.

The day He made me born again was the day all became clear.

I automatically did a 180-degree turn from my old life.

I just wanted to get GOD's laws right.

I wasn't focused on money anymore.

So He sent His SPIRIT to teach me.

Every day was packed with verses.

And lessons.

Which created the articles.

And the numerous blogs.

There's no slowing down.

Even after nearly 42 months.

Just when I thought we had enough blogs, nope, more were created.

That's how it is to work with the HOLY SPIRIT

He fires you up.

You become tireless.

You hunger for GOD's truth.

You begin to know about JESUS.

You love the search.

You cherish the lessons.

You become grateful for the answers.

To get answers, I merely prayed to JESUS.

Please, what was GOD's will?

That was the prayer He liked best.

What did He want me to do, or be?

What did He want me to do for others?

That was our staging point for any article.

As well as a guide for my own life now.

No one was able to make me born again.

That right was reserved for GOD.

From GOD, by GOD.

For GOD knew I'd be sharing with you.

Night, and day, we did.

We're at our craft, each and every day.

I'm on call every moment.

I cannot work the normal job now.

My heart belongs to the LORD.

I am in His service.

He tells me what needs to be done.

What needs to be written.

What needs to be shared.

Which verse is right on target.

Which verse needs to be explored.

Which verses must be included.

How can I ever go back to working for the world?

I'm in GOD's service now.

There is no pay.

But there is joy, peace, love.

There is excitement at waiting for the lessons.

There is excitement at Scripture discoveries.

There is excitement at sharing with you all I'm learning.

And there is that desire for simplicity.

And precision.

To give you GOD's WORD, as is.

With no sugar coating.

For the WORD stands on its sacred merits.

The moment SPIRIT fires me up, or inspires me, I can't wait to work on the article.

In the simplest way.

Using the simplest words.

Always, in a seamless manner.

All through SPIRIT's workings.

There is no conceit in our work.

GOD's WORD is delivered, as is.

Mercifully, the HOLY SPIRIT makes it easy for me.

He teaches me the meaning of the verses.

Even I am shocked to see how easy it all is.

Perhaps, it's because of my childlike disposition.

A hunger for knowledge.

An eagerness to learn.

An excitement to share.

Complete trust in the LORD.

No ego in the way.

This is what happens when GOD makes you born again.

His WORD becomes clear.

It is not subject to debate.

You know exactly what to think, say, and do.

And it's always aligned with His will.

That's the best part of it all.

The default mode.

To not be at fault.

Philippians 2:15

King James Version

15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, 

the sons of God, 

without rebuke, 

in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, 

among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

Related post:

GOD wanted me to WRITE

BORN AGAIN classics

GOD's GLORY blogs

Image: Wallpaper Cave


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